If you do not live in Florida, you will need to research the lead government adoption agency for your area.
Click here for more information.
At the start of the MAP training, potential foster parents are given a participants' manual that contains all of the required homework and forms. Upon completion of the training and submission of the MAPP homework, family profiles and brief life stories, prospective foster parents are issued a MAPP certificate. A licensing counselor will then give each family a packet that contains licensing forms required by the state and local licensing agency. Staff will be available to assist in the completion of any required paperwork. During your MAPP training, you will begin the process of being fingerprinted and completing a thorough background screening. All adults living in your household and any potential babysitters for your foster children must be successfully screened. Interested in becoming a foster parent click here.
When a child is matched with your family, pre-placement activities will occur including visits and regular communications with the child. Placement of the child will occur as soon as the child is comfortable. The child's counselor will supervise the placement for a minimum of 90 days. When the supervision period is completed, the counselor will provide consent to your attorney and a hearing may be scheduled for legalization of the adoption.
"Difficult-to-place child" is a term used in state rules to describe certain children eligible for financial assistance in the adoption process. In the state of Florida, one or more of the following criteria qualifies a child for adoption assistance:
- A child whose permanent custody has been awarded to the department or to a licensed child-placing agency.
- A child who has established significant emotional ties with his or her foster parents.
- Eight years of age or older.
- Developmentally disabled.
- Physically or emotionally handicapped.
- Significant emotional ties with foster parents or a relative caregiver.
- A member of a racial group that is disproportionately represented among children.
- A member of a sibling group of any age, provided two or more members of a sibling group remain together for purposes of adoption.
Yes, they can. Until 2010, Florida adoption law prohibited LGBT individuals from adopting. This law was ruled unconstitutional, and in 2015, the repeal of the ban was officially signed into law.
Yes, there are no barriers for inter-racial couples to adopt from foster care.
No, other than that the adoptive parent be able to support themselves and the child who they are adopting.
The child becomes a permanent member of the adopting family, affording parents all rights and responsibilities that would come with a biological birth child.
Yes. The biological parents have no rights to see their former children or even know of their whereabouts.
Post adoption services are offered to parents who adopt children in care to ensure services, such as medical and mental health services, to continue after a child is adopted. Mental Health services, including individual and family therapy and psychiatric services, are provided through Medicaid and local network providers. Adopted youth are eligible for Medicaid. Most post adoptive services and benefits expire once the child turns 18. For more information about post adoption services, contact ChildNet's Post Adoption Specialist in Broward County by e-mail at srappaport@childnet.us or by phone at (954) 234-1571.
In order to access post adoptive services, contact ChildNet's Post Adoption Specialist in Broward County by e-mail at srappaport@childnet.us or by phone at (954) 234-1571.
Children adopted through ChildNet, are eligible to receive a tuition waiver to attend a four year university or college, a community college and technical school within Florida. Only children adopted through the dependency court system within the state of Florida are eligible for the tuition waiver. Effective July 1, 2010, this exemption remains valid until the young person reaches the age of 28.
There are post and pre adoptive support groups for families who adopt. The Pre-Adoption support group meets the third Thursday of every month, 6:30 p.m.- 8:00 p.m. at Kids In Distress. The Post Adoption group meets the fourth Wednesday of every month, 6:00 p.m.- 8:00 p.m. at Kids In Distress. Contact Terry Badeaux at (954) 390-7654, Ext. 1254 for more information about joining a support groups. Babysitting is offered for both group meetings.
Yes. You may call the ChildNet's Adoption Hotline in Broward at (954) 414-6001 for more information.